Our Books

The following are items published by Haytko Homeschooling Press.  For more publications, visit our main publisher, Inspired Pen Publishing.  

For Adults...

Guides and Planners

  • A Learning Recorder for Catholic Relaxed Homeschoolers and Unschoolers:
    multi-child format      single child format
    Unschoolers and relaxed homeschoolers often learn without a prepared or scripted agenda, instead choosing to learn by living and finding knowledge on the go. For those times when record keeping is needed or desired, A Learning Recorder for Catholic Relaxed Homeschoolers and Unschoolers gives home educators and moderators space to write down scheduled items while giving the freedom to list activities with photographs and commentary. Available in a single child format for those with one child or who wish to have a unique recorder for each child due to varying ages or needs or in a multi-child (up to five children) format, this "unplanner" is perfect for a weekly record keeper as well as serving as an aid for annual portfolios. Inside is a space for required subjects, a date chart to log days or hours, sample objectives.
  • Let the Children Come: a  lesson planner for Catholic Religious Education instructors
    36 weeks       20 weeks
    God bless you as you embark on this year as a Religious Education teacher! PREP programs thrive because of dedicated volunteers like you. Available in a 20-week or 36-week version, Let the Children Come gives you the tools that you need to make this PREP year your best one yet. Inside, you will find quick references for your classroom information, parish information, and students, as well as an area for your meeting dates, lessons, and attendance. Each class has two pages dedicated to helping you in your mission as a PREP teacher. You will find an inspirational quote, alone with spaces for your opening and closing prayers, textbook lesson, and scripture reading. In addition, there is room for you to write your crafts and activities, any lesson tools you may need, and notes from the class. There is also a special rosary meditation for your own reflection. Remember: you are helping to mold future saints! The Lord has chosen you for this sacred task. Let the children come!

For Children...

Children's Fiction: Easy Readers

  • Into the Nether: an unofficial Minecraft novel for early readers (Bosses and the Beacon, #1)
    Join LeaButterfly on her adventure to slay the evil Enderdragon and Wither in order to pursue the Beacon! In this unofficial Minecraft novel geared toward beginning and emerging readers, LeaButterfly explains the basics of Minecraft as she builds a portal to the Nether in pursuit of the Beacon. Great for those new to Minecraft or those involved in their own worlds, Into the Nether is the first book in a series that you won't want to miss!

Special Needs Children's Fiction
  • Sleepover at Uita and Grandpa's House:
    a social story for children with 
     (Adventures in BobbyLand, #1) 
    Join Bobby as he prepares for a sleepover with his grandparents! For children with ASD and language processing challenges, new events can be a struggle. In the “Adventures in BobbyLand” series, children are taken on a variety of real-world journeys to broaden their horizons and make new experiences less frightening. Told from the perspective of Bobby, a boy with autism, these social stories explore and educate, then offer the reader a chance to write and draw their own adventure. “Sleepover at Uita and Grandpa’s House” shows how Bobby prepares for sleeping away from home so that he can cope with the challenges of a new situation. By the end of the book, your special reader will be looking forward to their first sleepover, too!